B.Sc. - Nursing

Οι νοσηλευτές διαδραματίζουν ζωτικό ρόλο στην αποτελεσματική λειτουργία των συστημάτων υγειονομικής περίθαλψης παγκοσμίως. Αναγνωρίζοντας τον ουσιαστικό ρόλο τους, ο Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Υγείας (Π.Ο.Υ.) ονόμασε το 2020 ως «Διεθνές Έτος για την νοσοκόμα και την μαία», ενώ ο γενικός διευθυντής του που Δρ. Tedros Ahanom Ghebreyesus χαρακτήρισε τους νοσηλευτές ως τη “ραχοκοκαλιά κάθε συστήματος υγείας”. Συγκεκριμένα, σύμφωνα με τον Π.Ο.Υ., υπάρχει καθολική ανάγκη για 9 εκατομμύρια περισσότερους νοσηλευτές προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί καθολική κάλυψη υγείας έως το 2030. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τη σημασία του νοσηλευτικού επαγγέλματος, το Πανεπιστήμιο Philips αποφάσισε να δημιουργήσει το πρόγραμμα σπουδών B.Sc. in Nursing, το οποίο διδάσκεται στην αγγλική γλώσσα, παρέχοντας την ευκαιρία σε σπουδαστές από όλη την υφήλιο να επιλέξουν το συγκεκριμένο πρόγραμμα και να ακολουθήσουν μια καριέρα στη Νοσηλευτική.

Μάθε περισσότερα για το Πτυχίο

Η νοσηλευτική ως επάγγελμα χρησιμοποιεί γνώσεις που προέρχονται από τις ιατρικές, τις βιολογικές και τις ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες καθώς και την ανθρώπινη εμπειρία. Η νοσηλευτική επιστήμη ενσωματώνει, την κριτική σκέψη, την επικοινωνία, τη διδασκαλία και τη μάθηση, τον επαγγελματισμό και τη φροντίδα. Οι νοσοκόμες συνεργάζονται με άλλους κλάδους υγείας για την επίλυση ατομικών αλλά και κοινοτικών προβλημάτων υγείας.

Αυτό το πρόγραμμα σπουδών προωθεί την ιδέα ότι η νοσηλευτική ως επάγγελμα πρέπει να αξιολογείται συστηματικά για να αναδείξει την αποτελεσματικότητα και την προσφορά της στον άνθρωπο, ενώ υποστηρίζει την ανάγκη οι νοσηλευτές να συμμετέχουν στην έρευνα και τη λήψη αποφάσεων στην πολιτική υγείας, για την οποία η προετοιμασία αρχίζει από την αρχική τους εκπαίδευση. Έτσι, αυτό το πρόγραμμα σπουδών προωθεί τη βιώσιμη και συνεχή εκπαίδευση, την ολοκληρωμένη και επικεντρωμένη φροντίδα στον ασθενή, την ασφάλεια και την ποιότητα των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών φροντίδας. Το πρόγραμμα Νοσηλευτικής στοχεύει στην εκπαίδευση και ανάπτυξη υπεύθυνων, επιστημονικά ικανών ερευνητών και επαγγελματιών υγείας που θα ενεργούν και θα καθοδηγούνται από τις αρχές της βιωσιμότητας και της κοινωνικής ευθύνης. Από την άλλη πλευρά, στοχεύει επίσης στη λειτουργία του Πανεπιστημίου ως ερευνητικού και εκπαιδευτικού ιδρύματος που παρέχει προστιθέμενη αξία στη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη της οικονομίας και της κοινωνίας γενικότερα.

Το πρόγραμμα προσφέρει ενίσχυση των δεξιοτήτων δια βίου μάθησης και προσωπικής ανάπτυξης, προκειμένου να συμβάλει στην κοινωνία γενικότερα, όσον αφορά τα μείζονα ζητήματα της προώθησης, προστασίας, διατήρησης και αποκατάστασης της υγείας των πολιτών. Επιπρόσθετα, προσφέρει ένα ευρύ φάσμα γνώσεων και δεξιοτήτων προσαρμοσμένων στο πλαίσιο της σύγχρονης εποχής και της κοινωνίας. Το πρόγραμμα σπουδών βασίστηκε στην ισχύουσα ελληνική και ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία και τα τρέχοντα προγράμματα σπουδών άλλων ευρωπαϊκών και μη χωρών, καθώς και διαφόρων οργανισμών και φορέων, και είναι συμβατό, αποδεκτό και αναγνωρισμένο από :

  • Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)
  • The American Institute of Medicine (ΙΟΜ)
  • UK Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • NHS Health Education of England
  • World Health Organization
  • International Council of Nurses
  • Cyprus National code of ethics for nurses

Το πρόγραμμα B.Sc. in Nursing είναι πλήρως συμβατό με το νομικό πλαίσιο, καθώς και τις συστάσεις και οδηγίες που δίνονται από εθνικούς και διεθνείς επαγγελματικούς φορείς (2013/55/ΕΕ της Ε.Ε.) και σηματοδοτείται από τη διεθνή συνεργασία/δικτύωση και συγκριτική αξιολόγηση. Το πρόγραμμα σπουδών προωθεί την κριτική σκέψη, τη λήψη αποφάσεων βάσει στοιχείων, την έρευνα, την ποιότητα και την ασφάλεια. Συγκεκριμένα, το πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνει τους τομείς της υγείας και της ασφάλειας, της οικονομίας της υγείας, της ψυχολογίας της εργασίας και της Επικοινωνίας, της Διαχείρισης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού σε περιβάλλοντα υγειονομικής περίθαλψης, της διαχείρισης και της ηγεσίας και της συμβουλευτικής εξαρτήσεων. Τέλος περιλαμβάνει 2300 ώρες πρακτικής.

Το μεγαλύτερο πλεονέκτημά μας είναι οι άνθρωποί μας. Το Πανεπιστήμιο Philips βασίζεται στις πιο σύγχρονες Ακαδημαϊκές Πρακτικές. Το Ακαδημαϊκό μας προσωπικό διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στη μάθηση, τη διδασκαλία, την έρευνα και την υποστήριξη των σπουδαστών και των αναγκών τους. Η διδακτική μας φιλοσοφία επικεντρώνεται στις ανάγκες του ατόμου, στη σύγχρονη συνάφεια και στην προετοιμασία των σπουδαστών για ένα μεταβαλλόμενο μέλλον. Το Πανεπιστήμιο δίνει μεγάλη έμφαση σε μια ολοκληρωμένη προσέγγιση με επίκεντρο τον φοιτητή, προκειμένου να επιτύχει και να εκπληρώσει τους ακαδημαϊκούς, προσωπικούς και επαγγελματικούς στόχους του. Το πρόγραμμα στοχεύει στην ενίσχυση της εξέλιξης και της απασχολησιμότητας των σπουδαστών παρέχοντας τους τα απαραίτητα εργαλεία για να συνεχίσουν τις σπουδές τους και να συμμετάσχουν στην έρευνα ή/και να εξασφαλίσουν μια θέση εργασίας στον τομέα της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης. Εκτός από το εξειδικευμένο Γραφείο Σταδιοδρομίας μας, οι φοιτητές έχουν την ευκαιρία να αποκτήσουν επαγγελματική εμπειρία κατά τη διάρκεια των σπουδών μέσω της συμμετοχής τους σε τέσσερις κλινικές πρακτικές.

Το πρόγραμμα σπουδών, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του περιεχομένου και της αξιολόγησής του, αναπτύσσεται σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες του κλάδου και για αυτό, καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια των σπουδών δίνεται έμφαση στην εργαστηριακή εργασία, τις ομαδικές συζητήσεις, τα ομαδικά έργα, την κριτική ανάλυση, τα εργαστήρια με βάση τον προβληματισμό, τις μελέτες περιπτώσεων, το παιχνίδι ρόλων και τις παρουσιάσεις.

Ο κύριος στόχος του Προγράμματος Σπουδών B.Sc. in Nursing είναι να παρέχει μια ολοκληρωμένη και σύγχρονη εκπαίδευση στην Νοσηλευτική που επιτρέπει στους σπουδαστές να ανταποκριθούν στις μεταβαλλόμενες ανάγκες της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης, εργαζόμενοι τόσο ατομικά όσο και σε ομάδες με άλλους επαγγελματίες του κλάδου για την προάσπιση της υγείας και την περίθαλψη του ασθενούς. Ακόμη το πρόγραμμα αποσκοπεί ώστε να εκπαιδεύσει τους νοσηλευτές παρέχοντας τους άριστες γνώσεις και τεχνικές δεξιότητες, υποστηρίζοντας την κριτική σκέψη, τη συμπόνια και την ανάπτυξη του οράματός τους, καθώς και την προώθηση της ευημερίας για το άτομο, την οικογένεια και την κοινότητα. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, οι στόχοι του προγράμματος επικεντρώνονται στην παροχή υψηλής ποιότητας εκπαίδευσης στη νοσηλευτική φροντίδα και σε άλλα συναφή θέματα καθώς και στην προετοιμασία και ανάπτυξη μιας σταδιοδρομίας στον τομέα της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης.

Η μελέτη της Νοσηλευτικής έχει σχεδιαστεί για να διαμορφώσει το γνωστικό υπόβαθρο, τις δεξιότητες και τις στάσεις με τις οποίες οι απόφοιτοι θα είναι σε θέση να αξιολογήσουν τις ανάγκες των ασθενών, να παρέχουν κατάλληλη τεκμηριωμένη φροντίδα και να αποκτήσουν την ικανότητα να αξιολογούν τα σχετικά αποτελέσματα της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, με την επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση των νοσηλευτικών σπουδών, οι απόφοιτοι θα:

  • έχουν αποκτήσει βαθιά και εκτεταμένη γνώση της ασφαλούς παροχής ποιοτικής νοσηλευτικής φροντίδας σε άτομα, οικογένειες και κοινότητες
  • έχουν καταστεί ικανοί ώστε να αξιολογούν και να σχεδιάζουν τις απαραίτητες και κατάλληλες εξειδικευμένες νοσηλευτικές παρεμβάσεις
  • να είναι αποτελεσματικοί στο ευρύτερο σύστημα υγειονομικής περίθαλψης, τόσο στην Ελλάδα, την Κύπρο όσο και στο εξωτερικό, και να συμβάλλουν θετικά στο επάγγελμά τους και στην κοινωνία
  • είναι σε θέση να επιδείξουν τον απαιτούμενο επαγγελματισμό και τις ηγετικές ικανότητες για την αλλαγή και την εφαρμογή τεκμηριωμένων νοσηλευτικών και βέλτιστων πρακτικών
  • είναι σε θέση να λειτουργούν με βάση την κριτική ανάλυση και σκέψη καθώς και να είναι προσανατολισμένοι στην έρευνα, για να επιτύχουν τα καλύτερα δυνατά αποτελέσματα στο έργο τους να είναι σε θέση να εφαρμόζουν καθολικά αποδεκτές ανθρώπινες αξίες κατά την εκτέλεση των καθηκόντων τους.

Δομή Προγράμματος Σπουδών

1ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Introduction to Nursing Science




Anatomy, Physiology & Biology Ι




Bacteriology – Virology – Parasitology




Fundamental Nursing & Compassion


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα



Computers and applications I




Nursing Perspectives




Effective Communication in the Workplace




Communication and Language Development I




Greek Language




General Psychology


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


2ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα



Anatomy, Physiology & Biology ΙI




Biochemistry – Biophysics – Radiology




Community Nursing






Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα



Computers and applications II




Health and Safety in Healthcare settings




First Aid




Introduction to Sociology




Communication and Language Development II


Πρακτική -Θερινό Εξάμηνο



First Clinical Practice

Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


3ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Pharmacology for Nurses




Surgical Nursing I




Medical Nursing I




Health Sociology and Health Psychology


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα



Health Informatics




Health Economics for Nurses




Health Systems and Health Policy




Work Psychology for Career Nurses


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


4ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα



Psychiatric Nursing




Surgical Nursing II




Medical Nursing II




Legal Issues & Nursing Deontology


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα











Advanced Community Nursing


Πρακτική -Θερινό Εξάμηνο



Second Clinical Practice

Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


5ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Transcultural Nursing & Compassion




Community Psychiatric Nursing




Nursing Care of Children




Research Methodology


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα



Human Resource Management in Health Care Settings




Healthcare Management & Leadership




Neurology Nursing




Philosophy and Ethics for Nursing


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


6ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα



Midwifery Nursing




Addictions Counseling for Nurses




Health Promotion




Epidemiology and Public Health


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα



Principles of Marketing




Surveillance Infection Control for Nurses




Introduction to Philosophy


Πρακτική -Θερινό Εξάμηνο



Third Clinical Practice

Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


7ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Total Quality in Nursing




Nursing Care of Older Adults




Health Nutrition and Nursing




Project I


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα



Nursing Care Plan




Clinical Nursing Evaluation




Cardiovascular Nursing Care




Clinical Surgical Nursing


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


8ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα



Intensive Care Nursing




Teaching Methods in Nursing




Clinical Medical Nursing




Project II


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα



Evidence Based Nursing Practice




Oncology Nursing




Palliative Nursing Care




Emergency Nursing Care


Πρακτική -Θερινό Εξάμηνο



Fourth Clinical Practice

Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


Περιγραφή Μαθημάτων

This particular Clinical Practice supports students to implement at the clinical environment, the relevant principles of the nursing process, thus, convert theoretical knowledge into practice. At the same time, they go through the experience of developing the relationship between patient and nurse in real circumstances of nursing services provision. Among others, students will apply the principles of personalized and holistic nursing care which constitute the most important elements of their training, in order to understand the concept of the nursing process which, aims at the maintenance, promotion and rehabilitation of the individual’s health, who is always, at the center of attention of this nursing process.

The purpose of the course is to familiarize the student with the modern Nursing Science by understanding its conceptual and philosophical context and its clinical dimensions. Furthermore, the course describes Nursing’s contribution to disease prevention and treatment, rehabilitation, and health promotion. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on the development of the nursing process so that students understand the management of patient care in a scientific, holistic, and dynamic way. Modern nursing theories are also presented and developed.

The objective of the course is to study the structure and function of the human body, including cells, tissues, and organs. Emphasis will be given on the physiological functions, involved in homeostasis maintenance of each of the biological systems. In addition, the diseases that could be developed from a possible dysregulation of any of these systems will be analyzed.

The course aims to familiarize the students with Bacteriology, Virology and Parasitology, subjects which are integral for numerous fields, including Nursing. The objective of the course the introduction of the structure as well as the impact that the microorganisms can have on the human organism

Introduction to the principles of personalized and holistic nursing care is a fundamental component of students’ education to understand the concept of the nursing process aimed at maintaining, promoting and rehabilitate the health of the individual, who is at center of the particular process. The purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with the basic scientific knowledge needed- to provide effective and quality nursing care at the individual, family, and community level, to understand the principles that support, interpret, and document nursing applications, and develop basic skills to provide nursing care in various health or illness situations. Settings for their addicted behavior.

To introduce the concepts that underpins nursing care in various contexts. To develop an appreciation of patient/client perceptions of nursing care. To enable the students to consider the international and national origins and contexts of nursing and health care.

This course aims in introducing students to the basic concepts of communication by focusing on its nature and functions and on its place and role in society and culture. In addition, this course aims in providing students the knowledge and skills necessary for quality communication in a dynamic and diverse workplace.

The objective of the course is to study the structure and function of the human body, including cells, tissues, and organs. Emphasis will be given on the physiological functions, involved in homeostasis maintenance of each of the biological systems. In addition, the diseases that could be developed from a possible dysregulation of any of these systems will be analyzed.

The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the chemistry of the human organism as well as to broadly understand the terms biophysics and radiology via applying physical principles and techniques to different problems in biology.

This course focuses on introducing basic and foundational concepts related to community health nursing. Students will explore public health and the barriers and facilitators associated with community health problems. The purpose describes the importance of identifying community health needs, family, individuals, the impact of social, intercultural, environmental problems, environmental health risks, the importance of sound planning and the provision of prevention, promotion and maintaining health education, crisis management, and effective problem-solving in a healthy and weak population.

The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge of pathology and to understand the basic concepts of pathophysiology and the deviation from the normal function that leads to the diseases, of cardiovascular system, respiratory system, urinary tract, immune system, acid-base balance, electrolyte disturbances.

The purpose of the module is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of Health & Safety, raise awareness and create familiarity with the core Health & Safety Legislation both at a national and European level and promote safe working practices. At the same time, to facilitate the understanding of the importance of hazard identification and the importance of risk assessment and the appropriate control measures. Alongside with the understanding the principles of Health & Safety Management, the module aims to help students identify and recognize the legal, financial, and ethical consequences of poor Health & Safety practices. The module is designed with healthcare in its epicenter and as such emphasis will be given on health and safety issues and challenges related to health services.

First aid is the first and immediate assistance given to any person suffering from either a minor or serious illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote recovery. It includes initial intervention in a serious condition prior to professional medical help being available, such as performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) while waiting for an ambulance, as well as the complete treatment of minor conditions, such as applying a plaster to a cut. A First aid is generally performed by someone with basic medical training. Mental health first aid is an extension of the concept of first aid to cover mental health There are many situations which may require first aid, and many countries have legislation, regulation, or guidance which specifies a minimum level of first aid provision in certain circumstances. This can include specific training or equipment to be available in the workplace (such as an automated external defibrillator), the provision of specialist first aid cover at public gatherings, or mandatory first aid training within schools. First aid, however, does not necessarily require any particular equipment or prior knowledge, and can involve improvisation with materials available at the time, often by untrained people. Bearing in mind the above mentioned, the purpose of the course is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge, which will enable them to accurately assess and apply immediate.

The basic knowledge of sociology is essential for understanding social interaction in many work and social settings. This course introduces the sociological concepts and theories influencing society and introducing comprehensive factors necessary for a broad-based understanding of social organization.

This particular Clinical Practice supports students to implement at the clinical environment, the acquired knowledge relevant to nursing care offered to patients in pathological and surgical clinics. Among others, students will experience the development of relationship patient- nurse and more specifically they develop this relationship with the patient, pro and after surgery. Furthermore, the students will provide nursing care to patients with severe medical problems

The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge of pathology and to understand the basic concepts of pathophysiology and the deviation from the normal function that leads to the diseases, of cardiovascular system, respiratory system, urinary tract, immune system, acid-base balance, electrolyte disturbances.

This course focuses on introducing basic and foundational concepts related to Surgical nursing. The course’s purpose is to familiarize students with the concepts, principles, and technical practices of Surgical Nursing and provide theoretical knowledge and clinical skills for evaluating, diagnosing, and addressing the health problems of the surgical patient with the application of the nursing process provide quality perioperative, intraoperative and postoperative nursing care.

This course focuses on introducing basic and foundational concepts related to medical nursing. The course’s purpose is to familiarize students with the concepts, principles and technical practices of Medical Nursing and provide theoretical knowledge and clinical skills for evaluating, diagnosing, and addressing the medical health problems of the patient. Also develop and apply a personalized nursing care plan and provide quality medical nursing care.

Health psychology is a field within Psychology that focuses on the behavioral, cognitive, psychosocial, and physiological factors that influence individual responses to health and illness. The purpose of the course is to familiarize the student with the concepts of health sociology and the acquisition that will enable them to understand the importance of the social environment in health and illness and to explain the reasons and processes that specific socio-economic and cultural conditions affect species and the distribution of diseases in different population groups. The purpose of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge for understanding the psychosocial needs of the patient (adolescent and child) and for developing a “supportive” relationship, especially when it concerns a chronic and life-threatening health problem, and familiarize the students with the concepts of health sociology and the acquisition that will enable them to understand the importance of the social environment in health and illness and to explain the reasons and processes that specific socio-economic and cultural conditions affect species and the distribution of diseases in different population groups

It is commonly accepted that rapidly changing healthcare systems demand that health professionals possess knowledge of the effective use of informatics and technology to enhance patient care.

The use of Information Technology in the field of health provides a number of important benefits, which are related to better patient service as well as facilitating the Nursing Personnel and health professionals, in general. Accordingly, the purpose of this course is to acquire the aforementioned knowledge from students who also contact with Health Informatics applications and provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve patient outcomes through effective use of these technological resources.

The purpose of the Health Economics course is to familiarize students with the subject and importance of Health Economics in order to gain the necessary knowledge about the role and application of finances to health and health care. Specifically, subjects considered are the allocation of scarce resources and how decisions are made to allocate them to the health system, the role of government intervention in the field of health care, the way health systems are evaluated as well as the health policies, the challenges facing the health sector today and how to address them. It is noted that Health Economics is looking for ways to maximize the health of the population based on the limited health resources available to a given society.

The objectives of the course are offers a thorough introduction to the science of Health Economics, illustration, and application of various methods from the microeconomics to investigate, how the health care system operates and assess the impact of the various policies applied, deepen issues related to efficiency, value and behavior in the production and consumption of health services and healthcare. To explain the functioning of healthcare systems. To apply financial models, techniques, and Decision Theory to answer key health care questions and explain behaviors that affect health status.

The purpose of the Health Economics course is to familiarize students with the subject and importance of Health Economics in order to gain the necessary knowledge about the role and application of finances to health and health care. Specifically, subjects considered are the allocation of scarce resources and how decisions are made to allocate them to the health system, the role of government intervention in the field of health care, the way health systems are evaluated as well as the health policies, the challenges facing the health sector today and how to address them. It is noted that Health Economics is looking for ways to maximize the health of the population based on the limited health resources available to a given society.

The objectives of the course are offers a thorough introduction to the science of Health Economics, illustration, and application of various methods from the microeconomics to investigate, how the health care system operates and assess the impact of the various policies applied, deepen issues related to efficiency, value and behavior in the production and consumption of health services and healthcare. To explain the functioning of healthcare systems. To apply financial models, techniques, and Decision Theory to answer key health care questions and explain behaviors that affect health status.

The purpose of this course is to apply and incorporate principles and concepts of mental health, psychopathology, and treatment modalities related to the nursing care of patients and their families while continuing to incorporate the concepts of nursing, environment, person, and health. Also, the course provides theoretical and clinical knowledge with the aim of acquiring skills related to the integrated nursing care of people with psychiatric and psychological disorders and the learning and application of the principles of mental health in the fields of nursing in all areas where it is practiced. Furthermore, the nurse’s role as a provider of care and as a coordinator of care for clients having psychiatric and psychological disorders, the concepts of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention are applied to these behavioral disorders, the nurse’s pursuit to promote continuity of care for the client as the client transitions from inpatient to outpatient agencies are discussed.

The course’s purpose is to provide theoretical knowledge and clinical skills to provide integrated personalized nursing care to an adult patient with surgical health problems and apply the appropriate nursing process and take decisions on the basis of evidence based clinical practice.

This course focuses on introducing basic and foundational concepts related to Surgical nursing. The course’s purpose is to familiarize students with the concepts, principles and technical practices of Medical Nursing and provide theoretical knowledge and clinical skills for evaluating, diagnosing, and addressing the medical health problems of the patient. Also, to develop and apply a personalized nursing care plan and provide quality medical nursing care.

This course introduces law, ethics, code of conduct related to nursing practice and assess ethical and legal issues confronting nurses in a variety of health care delivery settings. Also, this course examines concepts, theories, and values applied in ethical decision-making that are related to a variety of ethical dilemmas in nursing practice and health care.

This course through psychopathology introduces the concepts of mental health and mental illness, psychological theory of personality development, human adaptability, and relevant defense mechanisms. At the same time, the factors environmentαl factors that may affect an individual’s mental health are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the psychiatric examination of the psychiatric patient, the therapeutic relationship, taxonomic systems, and psychiatric semantics.

This course through neuropathology introduces the concepts of neurology and neurological illness, specialties related to neurology, human adaptability and knowledge of symptoms, signs and treatment of common neurological diseases At the same time, the factors that may affect an individual’s neurological condition are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the neurological examination of the patient, the therapeutic relationship, taxonomic systems, and neurological semantics.

This course focuses on introducing basic and foundational concepts related to community health nursing. Students will explore public health and the barriers and facilitators associated with managing chronic disease/illness in a complex and evolving healthcare system.

Furthermore, students exemplary and effectively addressing complex community nursing problems in day care units and home care for chronically disabled people, elderly and other similar venerable groups of people. Also, community nurses assess the specific health and disease needs of the community’s population, promote its health, and provide integrated nursing services in primary health care structures, mainly at home, preventing health problems, promoting this level of health every age group and every special group, providing tertiary-level services in an out-of-hospital setting and covering the wide range of rehabilitation services in the community.

This particular Clinical Practice supports students to implement at the community environment, the acquired knowledge relevant to nursing care offered to individuals, vulnerable groups, family, and the community as a whole on matters of health promotion prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. It is well known that Community Nursing is provided on the basis of fundamental principles and values, like respect and with great regard as well as through the facilitation of self-promoted and self-produced development / progress / advancement / improvement, which is unique to each individual, in combination with a patient-participating and personal approach. Has at its epicenter, the community, the health needs of individuals in their normal daily, home, school, and work environment Contributes towards the reduction of the consequences of physical and mental illness as well as towards the maintenance of the correct functioning of the individual. It also provides primary prevention, promotes the wellbeing of individuals, and contributes towards the improvement of public health.

Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care helps nursing students transform their thinking, so they develop into culturally competent nurses capable of safe, thoughtful, and ethical care of individuals, families, groups, and communities of diverse backgrounds. Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care takes a life span approach to describe cultural variations in lifestyle, habits, beliefs, and life process; and in doing so, provides a framework that will improve health and nursing care to minority, underrepresented, disenfranchised, and marginalized populations. The aim of this course is to help students to acquiring theoretical and clinical knowledge, skills, and adopting appropriate attitudes to provide personalized care make it more imperative for health science students to be made aware of quality and culturally competent compassion care. Intercultural nursing care will be analyzed within a framework in which students cultivate critical thinking and develop decision-making skills in clinical practice.

This course focuses on introducing basic and foundational concepts related to community Psychiatric health nursing. Students will explore public health and the barriers and facilitators associated with managing psychiatric disease/illness in a complex and evolving healthcare system. Also, the course provides theoretical and clinical knowledge with the aim of acquiring skills related to the integrated nursing care of people with psychiatric and psychological disorders and the learning and application of the principles of mental health in the fields of community psychiatric nursing. Furthermore, the psychiatric nurse’s role as a provider of care and as a coordinator of family care for clients having mental disorders, the concepts of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention are applied to these behavioral disorders, the psychiatric nurse’s pursuit to promote continuity of care for the client in the outpatient agencies and in the family set tung, are discussed.

The purpose of the course is to provide to student’s scientific knowledge and clinical skills to integrated personalized care to the sick child by applying the nursing process and evidence-based nursing practice for the evaluation of the sick child. Furthermore, students are developing critical thinking to understand and respond to the problems and needs of the child and the family.

The course aims to analyze the basic concepts employed in quantitative and qualitative research methods. The importance of searching relevant literature, understanding research methods, reviewing research, understanding, and evaluating research findings related to the practice of nursing is emphasized.

Increasingly, human resource management is recognized for its strategic importance in organizations and services, particularly in healthcare services and shifts beyond its traditional role of being a means of supervision and compliance. In today’s environment, every person in a managerial post of healthcare organizations must become able to support the strategic importance of HRM, find ways to be more flexible and responsive to change and, adapt to changing forms of healthcare services. In addition, HR personnel must be trained so as to use technology to communicate effectively with other employees, and assist them to develop new skills and also, develop more effective methods of measuring and rewarding employee performance. The course also gives emphasis on improving the understanding of the historical context and current conditions of leadership and HRM in healthcare organizations and on developing the essential skills necessary for effective management of human resources. Finally, due to the continuous learning needs of the industry (due to the high rate of innovation and technological developments), the need for effective training and motivation of staff has become urgent. The aim of the course is to gain knowledge and understanding of the role and function of the effective management of human resources in the field of healthcare services.

The objectives of the course are to provide in-depth knowledge and skills of modern human resource management analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of healthcare providers in relation to human resource management policies and practices. Understanding the role of human resource management in relation to the other functions of a healthcare service organization, linking external factors (economy, globalization, organized labor, legislation) with the development and role of human resources in management and planning. Understanding and analyzing the processes involved in staff issues. Providing knowledge on the use of specific methods of managing and maximizing performance in a healthcare organization.

This course introduces health management with a focus on four of the major tasks confronting managers of health care organizations. After an introduction to management and organizational theory, the course focuses on organizational strategy, the management of change and improvement, leadership development, and the management of human resources. The objectives of the course are a theoretical background of the modern Management as a way to develop an efficient Health Care Service Organization. Conceptual approach of the term “Health”. The Management of Health care System. Institutional framework. Purpose and objectives. Basic features. Resources-coefficients of the Health Care System. Analysis of resources from economic theory standards. Combining and decision making for Health care Services provided. Developing funding. The Pyramid of Health. Regionalization-decentralization of health Care units. Troubleshooting Health Services problems. The developmental need for health care a business plan at central and regional level. Comparative presentation of Health in several Health Systems of different countries. Valuable information on an issue of major import to health care. An emphasis on the management of human factors A persistent focus on the customer as a guide for decisions

Neuroscience is a specialty, where the role of the specialist neuroscience nurse is complex and multifaceted requiring specialist knowledge and skills. In addition, the nurses working within the area will encounter a wide variety of off-service patients and conditions, so they have to demonstrate cross functionality and adaptability in the application of knowledge to practice. This course focuses on introducing basic and foundational concepts related to neuroscience nursing. Students will explore neurology and other subspecialties the barriers and facilitators associated with managing neurological disorders. Furthermore, the program aims to equip individuals with a sound knowledge and specialized skills of neuroscience nursing in order to provide high quality care to patients. That is mean that the student will be able to provide fundamental, evidence-based, effective, and timely care to the patient with a neuroscience condition in a dynamic healthcare environment

To explore some of the key skills of the discipline of philosophy and their relevance in nursing practice. To analyze the basic structure of philosophical argument. To use the skills of philosophical analysis and argument as a means of exploring the ethical domain of clinical nursing practice. To consider ethical theory as a frame for ethical analysis and decision-making.

This course is designed for students to appreciate the concepts and principles of Midwifery and obstetrical nursing. It helps them to acquire knowledge and skills in rendering nursing care to normal and high-risk pregnant woman during antenatal, natal, and post-natal periods in hospitals and community settings. It also helps to develop skills in managing normal and high-risk neonates and participate in family welfare program.

This course is designed to help students gain broad perspective of specialized roles and responsibilities of nurses in counselling the psychoactive substance addicted person. Moreover, the program it helps students to develop knowledge and competencies required for assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and nursing management of individuals and families within various settings for their addicted behavior. In general, the program strengths the nurses to be more effective when working with all sorts of addictions, including alcoholism, drug abuse, eating disorders, gambling, computer games, and other compulsions.

This course introduces the student to the discipline of health education. Students will examine the concepts of health and wellness, the determinants of health behavior, national health status, the history of health education and health promotion. The student will recognize health promotion as an important foundation for population-based health care.

The purpose of the Epidemiology and Public Health course is to help students understand the basic concepts of epidemiology. The course will present the basic statistics of the frequency of diseases, as well as the significance of correct sampling for the avoidance of random and systematic errors during epidemiologic research. In addition, this course will go over measures of outcome frequency and screening measures that are used in public health, as well as the concepts of internal and external validity of outcomes. Finally, this course will cover the subject and design of different epidemiologic studies. The objectives of the course are to offers a thorough introduction to the science of Epidemiology, illustration, and application of various methods to investigate, how Epidemiology aims to contribute to Public Health promotion and to the implementation of rational and correct healthcare, measure the frequency of the occurrence of different outcomes in health sciences and to estimate the characteristics that determine this frequency. To deepen on associations, and in particular associations that connect determinants to the different outcome’s frequency.

This course examines nursing in relation to the control of infection. Topics include decontamination and sterilization of medical devices, the clinical management of the patient with an infectious disease or infection, the teaching/learning process in staff education and other contemporary issues within infection control.

This particular Clinical Practice supports students to implement at the clinical environment, the acquired knowledge relevant to nursing care offered to patients suffering with various health problems. It will also provide the opportunity to students to reflect back on the basis of the previous clinical exercises. In addition, the participation in this Clinical Practice provides students with learning opportunities through the interaction with the rest of the health team. Furthermore, students will come in direct contact with patients who are facing different problems of varying seriousness, pathological and surgical and as a consequence, they will be confronted with various care conditions in different pathology and surgical specialties. In parallel, the students will provide nursing care to patients with severe problems. They will also continue the application of the Nursing diagnosis (NUNDA) and the evaluation method ABCDE.

The objectives of the course are to define the concept of quality, the dimensions of quality, the service quality characteristics, the historical evolution of quality, the basic, the structural and the specialized elements of continuous quality improvement, as well as the future of quality, with reference to healthcare units. Τo present the Gurus of quality, and the quality features as expressed by each of them and to familiarize the students with the concept of total quality, and total quality management (TQM) in healthcare units, with reference to Avedis Donabedian. To analyze the concepts of customer / customer satisfaction / customer expectations, as well as the way that the healthcare organizations design and manage the proposed changes into the healthcare organizations. To discuss the role of the leadership in healthcare organizations and to present and analyze the way of measuring and evaluating intervention programs in healthcare units, with the ultimate goal of improving the health of the population. To introduce the role of quality systems in healthcare services, and the basic tools in the TQM. To describe the obstacles to the implementation of the total quality in healthcare services in today’s conditions and to suggest improvement proposals so that total quality management in health and medical sector can be regenerated in today’s globalized and uncertain environment.

This course introduces geriatric health problems, so students be able to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be able to recognize the path of normal ageing, and to assess the physical and psychosocial health problems of the elderly and to apply the nursing process to ensure quality care of the elderly with acute or chronic diseases and disabilities.

This course covers healthy nutrition through the life cycle, selected cultural variation, diet and physical activity, medical nutrition therapy and selected diseases, and food safety. Furthermore, the course provides knowledge of the basic principles of nutrition, energy and nutritional requirements, the biological role and effects of deficiency and overload of vitamins and minerals. Also, understanding the application of dietary principles to different physiological and pathological conditions.

The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge to acquire the ability and skills to design and implement a personalized holistic patient care plan. In addition, students will be aware of nursing care methods and techniques of Nursing Classifications.

Nursing assessment is the gathering of information about a patient‘s physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual status. Nursing assessment is the first step in the nursing process. In some instances, the nursing assessment is very broad in scope and in other cases it may focus on one body system or mental health. Nursing assessment is used to identify current and future patient care needs. It incorporates the recognition of normal versus abnormal body physiology. The purpose of this course is to familiarize the students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills to evaluate and document the subjective and objective data needed to design integrated patient care.

This course introduces cardiovascular diseases, so students be able to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to recognize the path of normal cardiovascular function, to assess the physical and psychosocial health problems of the patient with cardiovascular health problems and to apply the nursing process to ensure quality care of the patients with cardiovascular health problems and/or acute or chronic diseases and disabilities due cardiovascular health problems.

The purpose of the course is to prepare students for the nursing profession by applying and improving the already acquired skills in providing nursing care to patients in need of interventional-surgical care / rehabilitation in clinical, inpatient, outpatient, outpatient departments. hospital sector or primary health care service. Practice and improving the quality of nursing care provided to surgical patients.

This course introduces health management with a focus on the most important points from the variety of patients treated in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Furthermore, the course defines the basic principles of support, regardless of the reason for admission to the ICU, as well as knowledge of the initial diagnostic steps, treatment and prevention of complications caused by ICU hospitalization.

The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge about teaching strategies, learning principles and specific teaching interventions in the context of nursing education as a specialized pedagogical process in the clinical setting and community

The purpose of the course is to prepare students for the nursing profession by applying and improving already acquired knowledge and skills in the provision of nursing care to patients (individuals or groups) with acute or chronic pathological health problems in primary, secondary or secondary structures care.

In addition, special emphasis is placed on the care of patients with chronic, life-threatening, or non-life-threatening illnesses and elderly patients throughout their illness from diagnosis, survival to death.

Often called the research-practice gap in the field of healthcare research, the time between discovery and practice can be as long as 15 years. Evidence-based practice (EBP) helps close that gap. EBP in health care has become imperative for patient safety. EBP involves a conscious use and application of various knowledge sources, including the use of published research in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values and preferences. The process of EBP includes that health-care personnel formulate structured queries, and then conduct searches of databases from which they acquire trustworthy and reliable evidence. Further, they must then critically appraise the research for its reliability, validity, and applicability to a clinical context. Furthermore, students will explore how research-based discoveries are improving healthcare and research topics such as ethical and cultural issues, methodological procedures associated with scientific investigation and potential barriers to evidence-based practice and why research is substantiated and understand the importance of timely implementation of nursing and healthcare advancements.

This course Develops students’ ability to detect, evaluate and effectively treat the multifaceted problems created by cancer and antineoplastic treatments in the lives of their patients – families with personalized care planning. Also, the course cultivates positive attitudes towards the disease and its treatment as well as recognizing nurses’ role requirements throughout the disease course.

Nurses deal with dying patients on a daily basis. Education of how to handle those patients needs to be taught while those students are in training. Death, at one time or another, effects everyone. Nurses become resources for patients, families, and physician’s on how to deal and cope with the dying patient. The process becomes a family centered experience, demanding the need for a person to turn to who could help. Nurses need to explore the issues that surround a death experience for their own benefit. This would be far more advantageous to complete in a controlled environment, rather than as it actually happens. There are nurses who ignore a “death situation”, rather than face it. Most often, it is because they did not know what to do. These reasons identify the need for nurses to gain knowledge about the end of life.

This course introduces the students to the care in the emergency setting. The concepts of assessment of the emergency department patient and the initial prioritizing of care will be explored. The nursing science related to trauma victims, and medical and surgical emergencies will be discussed in detail. The theoretical concepts and knowledge gained will enable the emergency nurse to engage in discussions regarding the principles of emergency nursing. The content will be primarily oriented toward the adult patient. Reference to physiological changes throughout the age span including neonates, infants, pediatrics, and geriatrics will be made when appropriate. It will have both theoretical and clinical components supported by classroom teaching.

All graduating students will complete a Project in semesters 7 and 8. The project, which should be of approximately 10 000 – 15 000 words may take one or more of several forms. For example, it may involve the critical examination in an aspect of an organization’s operation with a view to recommending possible courses of action. It may also involve further investigation based on structured interviews. This is seen as a very important element of the program providing an opportunity to students to bring together the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the program and apply these to a substantial piece of work on a topic of their choice. The importance of the Project is reflected in the amount of time and the number of credits allocated to this purpose. The Project is seen as the culmination of the development of independent skills. It requires the systematic study of a subject, involving data collection and analysis, hypotheses, conclusions, and submission of recommendations.


Three copies are required to be presented, typed double-spaced on A4 paper, using one side of the paper only and leaving a one-inch margin on the left-hand side. One copy will be returned to the student after the Examiners’ meeting. The second copy will be retained by the Department and the third will be placed in the library. The report should include a title page, a one-page summary (abstract), and a contents list (chapter and section headings). The body of the report should exhibit a logical flow of ideas divided into sections such as: Introduction, Specific Aims, Analysis of Problem, Method of Solution, Outline of Programs, Results, Hypotheses, Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations. Tables and statistical charts may be placed in Appendices, along with references (Author, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year) and other supplementary material. Appendices, along with references (Author, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year) and other supplementary material.


The final project for each student will be marked independently by two members of the staff, one of whom will be the project’s supervisor. The project will be finally assessed by a board based on its critical content, originality, and competence of both execution and presentation.

This course provides students with a sound knowledge of the basic concepts, ideas, functions, and techniques of marketing and to help them acquire an understanding of its importance to the overall organizational activity. To understand how contemporary Marketing Practices contribute to the creation of value to customers.

This course develops students’ intellectual, practical, and transferable computing skills.

This course develops students’ intellectual, practical, and transferable computing skills.

The course aims to build upon students’ previous experience of the language and to help them to develop a sound knowledge of some of the complex structures of the language so as to enable them to operate in a growing range of social and work-related situations.

This course builds upon students’ previous experience of the language and to help them to develop a sound knowledge of some of the complex structures of the language so as to enable them to operate in a growing range of social and work-related situations.

The course aims to introduce students to the study of psychology. It aims to provide an introductory understanding of key topics within psychology and psychological research. The course explores psychology as a science and the research methods common in psychological research.

The course aims to familiarize students with areas of work psychology, including personnel selection, individual differences, leadership, teamwork, motivation and stress in the workplace and career management. Through the application of psychological theory and research, this course aims to help students understand the relevance of psychology for building a successful work life.

The purpose of the course is to develop skills of the students in the modern Greek language. More specifically the students will be able to listen, speak, read, and write in the modern Greek language at the level (A1) of CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Therefore, the students will communicate in everyday usual situations in Greek-speaking settings.