B.A. - Public Relations and Communications

Αναγνωρισμένο από το Chartered Institute of Public Relations, UK

Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την αυξανόμενη επιρροή και σημαντικό μέρος της μοντέρνας ζωής που καταλαμβάνουν τα Μέσα Ενημέρωσης και Μέσα Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης αλλά και τον καινοτόμο χαρακτήρα της Ψηφιακής Οικονομίας η οποία αλλάζει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο διεξάγονται οι επιχειρηματικές πράξεις, το Πανεπιστήμιο Philips παρουσιάζει το πρόγραμμα BA in Public Relations and Communication το οποίο προσφέρει Ακαδημαϊκές, Επαγγελματικές και Πρακτικές γνώσεις απαραίτητες για τη διαχείριση πελατών και προβλημάτων, διαχείριση Μέσων Επικοινωνίας και Κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και Ηθικής εξάσκησης επαγγέλματος. 

Μάθε περισσότερα για το Πτυχίο

Το πτυχίο στις Δημόσιες Σχέσεις και Επικοινωνία (BA in Public Relations and Communication) είναι προσαρμοσμένο στις ανάγκες της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας και είναι κατάλληλο για να εξοπλίσει τον κάθε φοιτητή με δυνατές Επικοινωνιακές δεξιότητες απαραίτητες για τη προώθηση και διαχείριση της εικόνας Εταιριών, Οργανώσεων και Δημόσιων προσώπων αλλά και των Μέσων Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης και Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης. Ειδικότερα, αυτό το πρόγραμμα σπουδών δημιουργήθηκε για να  ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες της μοντέρνας ψηφιακής εποχής, χαρακτηριστικό το οποίο δίνει ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα στους αποφοίτους του, διότι και τους προετοιμάζει για την απόκτηση θέσης στη αναδυόμενη αγορά εργασίας. Το πρόγραμμα σπουδών είναι αναγνωρισμένο από τον Φορέα Διασφάλισης και Πιστοποίησης της Ποιότητας της Ανώτερης Εκπαίδευσης (ΔΙΠΑΕ) το οποίο πιστοποιεί και διασφαλίζει την ποιότητα και υψηλού επιπέδου εκπαίδευση η οποία προσφέρεται από το Πανεπιστήμιο.     

Στο επίκεντρο του Πανεπιστημίου είναι πάντα οι φοιτητές, στους οποίους προσφέρουμε τα απαραίτητα εφόδια για την επίτευξη των πραγματικών στόχων των. Το πρόγραμμα σπουδών προσφέρει ευρύ φάσμα γνώσεων και δεξιοτήτων προσαρμοσμένων στα δεδομένα της σύγχρονης εποχής και κοινωνίας. Το πρόγραμμα συμπεριλαμβάνει τους τομείς της Εταιρικής Επικοινωνίας, Ηλεκτρονικών Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, Marketing, Συμπεριφοράς Καταναλωτή, Μέσων Ενημέρωσης και Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης,  Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, Στρατηγικής Διαχείρισης Επικοινωνίας και Διαχείρισης Κρίσεων.  Παράλληλα, το BA in Public Relations and Communication προσφέρει δυνατότητες απόκτησης επαγγελματικής εμπειρίας κατά τη διάρκεια των σπουδών μέσω της συμμετοχής των φοιτητών σε Internship.    

Συγκεκριμένα, το Πανεπιστήμιο Philips προσφέρει ένα πρόγραμμα σπουδών το οποίο βοηθά στη ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων και απόκτηση γνώσεων οι οποίες έχουν μεγάλη ζήτηση στην αγορά:

  • Επιχειρηματική γνώση: γνώση για το πως οι επιχειρήσεις και παρεμφερείς κλάδοι των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, Marketing, Επικοινωνία Μέσων και Προώθησης, λειτουργούν και συνεργάζονται αποτελεσματικά.
  • Τεχνολογικές Δεξιότητες: κατανόηση αποτελεσματικής χρήσης μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης και κοινωνικών μέσων δικτύωσης για προώθηση εταιρίας / προϊόντος / υπηρεσιών, εγκαθίδρυσης και διατήρησης σχέσης εμπιστοσύνης με καταναλωτές και επενδυτές.
  • Δεξιότητες Διαχείρισης Μέσων Επικοινωνίας: επιτυχής επικοινωνία και εγκαθίδρυσης σχέσεων με αντιπροσώπους τύπου, δημοσιογράφους και Influencers Κοινωνικών Μέσων Δικτύωσης για επιτυχημένη προώθηση και διαχείριση της εικόνας και φήμης πελατών.
  • Δεξιότητες Επικοινωνίας: γραπτές, προφορικές, οπτικές δεξιότητες επικοινωνίας απαραίτητες για την επιτυχή διάδοση πληροφοριών.
  • Δεξιότητες Διοργάνωσης: επιτυχής οργάνωση, διαχείριση και διοργάνωση event και project.
  • Δεξιότητες Οργάνωσης: επιτυχής διαχείριση προγραμμάτων και δραστηριοτήτων σχεδιασμένα για πελάτες.


Οι απόφοιτοι του προγράμματος μπορούν να βρουν εργασία σε τομείς που συμπεριλαμβάνουν: τις Δημόσιες Σχέσεις, το Marketing, τους Οργανισμούς Μέσων Επικοινωνίας, τις Διαφημιστικές Εταιρίες, τις Εταιρίες Δημοσίων Υποθέσεων κ.α.

Σημαντικό επίτευγμα αποτελεί και η Αναγνώριση του προγράμματος σπουδών από το Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), UK, το οποίο αποτελεί το μοναδικό Chartered professional body for Public Relations Practitioners στην Ευρώπη και στον κόσμο  για επαγγελματίες δημοσίων σχέσεων. Το CIRP είναι αφοσιωμένο στα επαγγελματικά πρότυπα και τη δια βίου μάθηση, υποστηρίζοντας τη σταδιοδρομία των μελών του και χτίζοντας την κατανόηση του κοινού για τις δημόσιες σχέσεις. Η πιστοποίηση αυτή εξασφαλίζει τη διεθνή αναγνώριση της ποιότητας του Πτυχίου.  Συνεπώς, οι απόφοιτοι του πτυχίου των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και Επικοινωνιών από το Πανεπιστήμιο Philips ταυτόχρονα με τη απόκτηση του πτυχίου αποκτούν και το Δίπλωμα του CIPR, UK.

Ο σκοπός του Προγράμματος Public Relations and Communications (Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και επικοινωνίας) είναι να παρέχει στους πτυχιούχους θεωρητικές και πρακτικές γνώσεις και δεξιότητες που σχετίζονται με τις δημόσιες σχέσεις, τις επικοινωνίες, το μάρκετινγκ και τα μέσα ενημέρωσης, τα οποία είναι απαραίτητα για τους επαγγελματίες και είναι προαπαιτούμενα από μια ποικιλία σύγχρονων βιομηχανιών. Συγκεκριμένα, αυτό το πρόγραμμα σπουδών προσφέρει στους φοιτητές τις απαραίτητες γνώσεις για να βοηθήσουν τους οργανισμούς να δημιουργήσουν και να διατηρήσουν ευεργετικές σχέσεις με το κοινό τους, ενώ ταυτόχρονα βοηθούν τους οργανισμούς να αναπτύξουν και να διατηρήσουν μια θετική φήμη. Σε όλο αυτό το πρόγραμμα σπουδών οι σπουδαστές θα αναπτύξουν γνώσεις και δεξιότητες που σχετίζονται με τα παραδοσιακά και κοινωνικά μέσα, τη διαχείριση επικοινωνιών, τον ερευνητικό σχεδιασμό, τη λήψη ηθικών αποφάσεων, την ανάπτυξη εκστρατειών, τις τεχνικές Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, το μάρκετινγκ, την ψηφιακή επικοινωνία και τη διαχείριση κρίσεων.

To πρόγραμμα αυτό ακολουθεί πάντοτε τις σύγχρονες υποθέσεις και τις τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις μέσω της χρήσης σχετικών εργαλείων και προετοιμάζει κατάλληλα τους σπουδαστές. Επιπλέον, το πρόγραμμα αυτό στοχεύει στην ενίσχυση της εξέλιξης και της απασχολησιμότητας των φοιτητών παρέχοντας τους τα απαραίτητα εργαλεία για την περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη τους και την έρευνα ή/και την εξασφάλιση εργασίας στους τομείς των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, του μάρκετινγκ, των μέσων ενημέρωσης και των επικοινωνιών και των συναφών βιομηχανιών.

Με την επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση του Προγράμματος Δημοσίων Σχέσεων και Επικοινωνιών, οι σπουδαστές θα:
 Κατανοήσουν το πεδίο των δημοσίων σχέσεων και των βασικών ρόλων που διαδραματίζουν η έρευνα, η συμβουλευτική και η επικοινωνία στις δραστηριότητες δημοσίων σχέσεων,
 Αποκτήσουν τις απαραίτητες γνώσεις, τις μεταβιβάσιμες δεξιότητες και τη δημιουργικότητα για να ακολουθήσουν μια σταδιοδρομία στις δημόσιες σχέσεις και τους συναφείς επαγγελματικούς τομείς σε μια ποικιλία ρόλων και τομέων,
 Αναπτύξουν τη γνώση και την κριτική κατανόηση του για μια επαγγελματική στάση στις δημόσιες σχέσεις σε διαφορετικά πλαίσια και τομείς,
 Αποκτήσουν την γνώση και κριτική κατανόηση των κύριων εννοιών και θεωριών της θεωρίας και της έρευνας των δημοσίων σχέσεων,
 Αναπτύξουν την ικανότητα να εφαρμόζουν τις θεωρητικές έννοιες, ιδέες, συζητήσεις και μοντέλα των δημοσίων σχέσεων και των επικοινωνιών σε θεωρητικές αλλά και πραγματικές καταστάσεις που σχετίζονται με την εργασία, τις μελέτες περιπτώσεων, των σεναρίων κ.α.,
 Αποκτήσουν τη γνώση και την κριτική κατανόηση των μέσων ενημέρωσης και της σχέσης τους με τις δημόσιες σχέσεις και τη σχέση των δημοσίων σχέσεων με την κοινωνική και πολιτιστική θεωρία και κριτική.

Δομή Προγράμματος Σπουδών

1ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Introduction to Management




Computers and applications I




Principles of public relations




Introduction to Media and culture


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει  2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα




Accounting and Finance I




Communication and Language Development I




General Psychology




Introduction to social psychology


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


2ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Theory and Practice of Management II




Principles of Marketing








Public Relations skills and competencies


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα




Communication and Language Development II




Introduction to Media history




Modern History of Europe




Modern Society & Sociology


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


3ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Consumer behavior




Corporate communications




Integrated Marketing Communications




New media and Public Relations




Social Research methods


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει  1 από τα 3 προσφερόμενα




The Dynamics of the Cyprus Economy I




Language skills in Practice I




Media, culture, and globalization


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


4ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Business and Society




Marketing Research




Public Relations and the Art of Persuasion




Social Media Cultures




Journalism and Networked Media


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει 2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα




Managing the HR Function




Organizational behavior




Dynamics of Cyprus Economy II




Communication in Practice II


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


5ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Business Ethics and Leadership




Political Communication and Media




Successful writing in Public Relations




Strategic Communications Management


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει  2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα




Business in its environment




Business in Europe




Media platforms




Work psychology for career success


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων





6ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Public relations strategies and trends




Digital Public Relations




Public Relations and Crisis Management




Public Relations Internship


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει  2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα




Behavioral Aspects of Marketing




Promotional Management




Event Management for PR professionals




Digital Marketing Communication


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


7ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Global Marketing




Project I




Public Relations and Corporate Reputation




Public Relations Campaigns


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει  2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα




Entrepreneurship and Innovation




International Management I




Marketing Management I




Strategy, Marketing and Branding


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


8ο Εξάμηνο

Υποχρεωτικά Μαθήματα




Project II




Advertising and Society




Global Public Relations




Public Relations Case studies


Επιλεγόμενα Μαθήματα: O σπουδαστής επιλέγει  2 από τα 4 προσφερόμενα




Critical perspectives of management




Leadership and public relations




Communication Audit


Σύνολο Πιστωτικών Μονάδων


Περιγραφή Μαθημάτων

This course develops students’ intellectual, practical, and transferable computing skills.

This course presents students with a clear, lively, and engaging picture of the art and science of management and to cover the fundamentals of management and the emerging trends in different managerial functions, while conveying the excitement and achievements of contemporary management by including examples from a wide variety of organizations.

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the media environment and media’s role and functions within our contemporary globalized society. This course provides a detailed consideration of media institutions, media ‘texts and media audiences by focusing on issues surrounding the encoding of media ‘texts; how media messages are used and interpreted by their audiences; power relations in media; and regulation and censorship of the media by the government and other policy institutions.

This course introduces students to the media environment and media’s role and functions within our contemporary globalized society. This course provides a detailed consideration of media institutions, media ‘texts and media audiences by focusing on issues surrounding the encoding of media ‘texts; how media messages are used and interpreted by their audiences; power relations in media; and regulation and censorship of the media by the government and other policy institutions.

This course provides students with a sound knowledge of the basic concepts, ideas, functions, and techniques of marketing and to help them acquire an understanding of its importance to the overall organizational activity. To understand how contemporary Marketing Practices contribute to the creation of value to customers.

The course aims to help students understand the key areas of public relations practice and the core theory underpinning its operations. The course aims to aid students to develop personal and analytical skills required to support public relations management and decision-making.

The course aims to provide an introductory course to the basic statistical methods and their applications in the sciences.

This course enables students to understand the link between management theory and practice and to experience this through involving activities. It develops students; abilities to structure managerial problems using valid theory.

This course provides students with a broad understanding of introductory financial accounting, a thorough grounding in double-entry bookkeeping and the preparation of financial statements for different types of entities.  It serves to provide students a solid foundation in financial accounting and reporting.

The course aims to build upon students’ previous experience of the language and to help them to develop a sound knowledge of some of the complex structures of the language so as to enable them to operate in a growing range of social and work-related situations.

This course provides students with a framework for understanding the history, development, and current range of psychological perspectives

The course aims to introduce students to social psychology key concepts, theories and research and discuss the contribution of social psychology to understanding the individual as a social being.

This course builds upon students’ previous experience of the language and to help them to develop a sound knowledge of some of the complex structures of the language so as to enable them to operate in a growing range of social and work-related situations.

This course explores the history of modern media from the birth of printing to the internet. It addresses the most important strands of development of media history and key perspectives of them. Communication through text, sound and image are discussed in relation to technological, economic, cultural, political, and social change. 

This course offers a survey of the historical events and developments throughout Europe since 1850 with the formation of national states. Its objective, after presenting and analyzing the involved historical events, is to focus on the concepts and causal forces that ultimately shaped world history.

This course introduces students to sociological perspectives as different ways of understanding the social world. To show that sociology involves a range of competing and sometimes contradictory approaches. To introduce debates concerned with structure/action: conflict/consensus: stability/change. The modules do not attempt to cover the range of perspectives in fine detail but rather to identify central themes, issues, and contribution of perspectives to substantive areas.

The course aims to introduce the theory of consumer behavior and relates it to the practice of marketing. It will present relevant material drawn from psychology, anthropology, social and behavioral sciences within the framework of the consumer decision process and its main influencing factors.

The course aims to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to corporate communications. By familiarizing the students with fundamental concepts and models of communication, this course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for quality communication in a dynamic and diverse workplace.

The course aims to provide students an in-depth understanding of the marketing communication mix both from a theoretical and practical perspective. It explores how different forms of communication work together and acknowledges the development of new mediums through which organizations communicate with stakeholder and influencer groups.

The course aims to introduce students to the concept, characteristics, advantages, and influence of new media. Through this course, students will explore the economic, social, and cultural impact of digital environments on contemporary societies. Through this, this course connects theory with practice by providing a grounded view of new media and their features.

This course aims to help students to evaluate research from a methodological perspective and to practically apply methods to conduct social science research projects.  The course aims to equip students with the skills and confidence necessary to undertake original social research for their final year project. 

This course serves as a bridge between the nature of various business operations and the role played by various business institutions in the framework of other social structures and institutions. It cultivates in students the ability to grasp and digest business as it functions today within the society and its relationship with social phenomena.

This course enables students to explore in depth the relationship between public relations practitioners and journalism. Throughout the course students will examine the ways this relationship is impacted by the convergence of cultures and developments in digital technology.

This course provides students with principal knowledge concerning the design and implementation of business research and to initiate them into various forms of statistical analysis. Emphasis is placed on the examination of different methodologies and types of analysis for giving answers to various problems in the business environment. Applications of statistical analysis techniques, in everyday business decision making processes, are presented, and discussed.

This course aims to help the students develop an understanding of the theories and techniques of persuasion. This will consequently aid them in successfully analyzing and employing persuasive tools and techniques.

This course aims to provide students a basis for the critical assessment of social media and their utilization in public relations practice.  

This course builds upon students’ previous experience of the language and to help them to develop a sound knowledge of some of the complex structures of the language so as to enable them to operate in a growing range of social and work-related situations.

This course aims to introduce students to the phenomenon of globalization. Through an exploration of the processes in which globalization transforms media and culture, students will be introduced to key-theoretical approaches to globalization.

This course offers to students a unified view of the structure of the Cypriot economy, analyze its weaknesses and strengths, and evaluate its growth potentials.

This course assists students in gaining knowledge of the types and workings of meetings within an organization and to prepare them to compose the documentation for meetings such as notices, agenda and minutes; to prepare students to compose business communications for a variety of business situations and to assist the student in the understanding, analyzing and modifying business data in a variety of forms; to introduce the student to the terminology and types of documentation used in a variety of office settings and to utilize exercises from those settings to polish the skills developed in previous semester.

This course aims to expose students to a selection of current issues facing the Cyprus economy some of which will be through a series of seminars from a selection of guest speakers who specialize in various aspects of the Cyprus economy.

This course aims to explore contemporary practices in managing work and human resources in organizations and examine key assumptions and principles underlying those practices. It focuses on individual practices in relation to the development and enhancement of an employee’s attitudes and behavior in the organization. Different attitudinal theories are considered.

This course aims to introduce students to the principles, theories and research underlying the academic discipline of organizational behavior at four levels of analysis: individual, group, organization, and society; to develop a critical appreciation of the behavioral and social sciences as they relate to the study of behavior in organizations; to introduce a critical understanding of the practice of management; to analyze and solve organizational problems

This course aims to expose students to a variety of leadership theories and practices. Throughout the course, students will explore and review various approaches and techniques of problem solving, performance management and success orientation to the practice of public relations.

This course aims to expose students to a variety of leadership theories and practices. Throughout the course, students will explore and review various approaches and techniques of problem solving, performance management and success orientation to the practice of public relations.

This course aims to introduce students to a variety of theoretical approaches available to public relations practitioners in the evolution of PR communication and planning.  Through the critical examination of theoretical perspectives and case studies this course aims to help students develop a deeper understanding of the strategic framework that underlies efficient strategic communications.

This course introduces students to the crafting, editing, and delivering of PR messages – and the many forms of public relations writing. This course is designed to help students develop professional writing capabilities expected of PR professionals.

This course aims to enable the student to assess the role and function of public relations management, evaluate the range of theoretical and industry approaches to public relations strategy, and apply the concepts and principles of public relations practice within a digital context.

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the key elements of a crisis -prior, during and after a crisis-, by focusing on strategic communication and positioning. Crisis management is a critical organizational function.  Failure to manage a crisis can result in serious harm to stakeholders, losses for an organization, or end its very existence.  Public relations practitioners are an integral part of crisis management teams. 

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of Critical Management Theory as applied to management and leadership. Students are helped to develop their critical and curious thinking about existing theory; critique current approaches to management and leadership; develop the intellectual rigor and knowledge to deal with the complex and multifaceted issues that arise in work situations.

This course aims to provide students the necessary tools needed for strategic planning process and to think strategically about how to select and employ public relations tactics which are more fitted for an audience and/or situation.

This course aims to familiarize students with the unique context environment and changing shape of business in Europe. Real case studies provide opportunities for discussing practical business applications. The research and use of a wide range of information sources further deepens understanding of issues relevant of business in Europe.

This course aims to review the developments and trends within the business sector, and to examine the inter-relationships between the sector and other elements of social and economic life; provide and insight into the key factors which generate competitive advantage within organizations, in both developed and developing economies; Increase the awareness of the broader social, political, and ethical dimensions of business activity.

This course explores how media organizations engineer and experiment with people’s social lives and lived experience. The course examines how media platforms are comprised of data-processing infrastructure, algorithms, interfaces, and mobile devices.

This course aims to familiarize students with areas of work psychology, including personnel selection, individual differences, leadership, teamwork, motivation and stress in the workplace and career management. Through the application of psychological theory and research, this course aims to help students understand the relevance of psychology for building a successful work life.

This course aims to provide a sound appreciation of behavioral concepts and their application to Marketing.

This course aims to introduce students to digital marketing through the critical assessment of theories and principles of marketing.  Through this, this course aims to help students create an understanding of the digital marketing scene which will therefore aid them in improving their activities in the digital sphere.

This course aims to give students an understanding of the events strategy. It will provide students with the knowledge and skills required for planning, managing, and staging a variety of events in order to realize positive economic, social and environmental outcomes; it introduces students to international events approach and contemporary issues.

This course aims to prepare students for an active role in means and methods of the marketing of products and services in the broad business environment including international markets; to provide marketing expertise in the areas of product sales, promotional planning, customer research, market analysis, marketing institutions, and pricing methods.

This course introduces students to a systematic approach of marketing on a global scale. Focus will be placed on the conceptual and analytic tools that enable marketing managers to formulate effective global Marketing Strategies

This course introduces the practice of dissertation writing and research approaches for the study of media forms, texts and systems and their contribution to social life.

This course aims to enable students to critically appraise the corporate brand and the importance of communications in developing corporate positioning and building brand equity. Public relations practitioners need to be able to identify and prioritize key stakeholders, and the influence they have in determining the role for corporate reputation management in organizations.

This course aims to familiarize students with processes of researching, creatively developing, managing, successfully delivering, and effectively evaluating a Public Relations campaign.  The students are given the opportunity to master the elements of strategic communication through creating their own communication campaign.  

This course aims to introduce students to the pervasiveness of advertising in contemporary societies. Through the examination of basic principles and practices of advertising, this course aims in aiding students to develop a clear understanding of the role of advertising in our lives.   

This course aims to address the relevance and impact of culture on public relations activities across the world.  The importance of this course lies in the increasing encounter of corporations with more cultures in their international expansion and with the rapidly changing compositions within many nations. 

All graduating students will complete a Project in semesters 7 and 8. The project, which should be of approximately 10,000 – 15,000 words may take one or more of several forms. For example, it may involve the critical examination in an aspect of an organization’s operation with a view to recommending possible courses of action. It may also involve further investigation based on structured interviews.

This is seen as a very important element of the program providing an opportunity to students to bring together the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the program and apply these to a substantial piece of work on a topic of their choice.

The importance of the Project is reflected in the amount of time and the number of credits allocated to this purpose. The Project is seen as the culmination of the development of independent skills. It requires the systematic study of a subject, involving data collection and analysis, hypotheses, conclusions, and submission of recommendations.

Presentation Three copies are required to be presented, typed double-spaced on A4 paper, using one side of the paper only and leaving a one-inch margin on the left-hand side. One copy will be returned to the student after the Examiners’ meeting. The second copy will be retained by the Department and the third will be placed in the library. The report should include a title page, a one-page summary (abstract), and a contents list (chapter and section headings).

The body of the report should exhibit a logical flow of ideas divided into sections such as: Introduction, Specific Aims, Analysis of Problem, Method of Solution, Outline of Programs, Results, Hypotheses, Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations.

Tables and statistical charts may be placed in Appendices, along with references (Author, Title, Edition, Publisher, Year) and other supplementary material. Assessment The final project for each student will be marked independently by two members of the staff, one of whom will be the project’s supervisor. The project will be finally assessed by a board based on its critical content, originality, and competence of both execution and presentation.

This course studies the role of public relations in organizational problem-solving practices.  Through the examination, discussion and analysis of real-life PR cases, students will examine the ways public relations can aid to manage and reconcile challenges that can arise between organizations and its stakeholders.

This course explains the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship and innovation into practical, concrete applications. Thus, students are involved from the outset in examining company-product development, market assessment, innovative techniques, the means for presenting and promoting a business idea and implementation challenges.

This course enables students understand the multiplicity of factors involved in international management and prioritize their impact and importance. Students familiarize themselves with the implications of a career in a Global marketplace.

This course aims to present the link between a society’s material requirements and its economic patterns or responses, to identify and understand customer needs and propose solutions which satisfy the customers and produce profit for the stockholders.

This course provides an advanced level examination of the theories, principles and practical techniques required for effective, integrated marketing and branding campaigns.

This course aims to develop a critical awareness of conducting a communications research audit in a practical setting; develop skills so that students can write a pre-professionally credible communications audit; develop and experience team building; client relations in the real world.

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of Critical Management Theory as applied to management and leadership. Students are helped to develop their critical and curious thinking about existing theory; critique current approaches to management and leadership; develop the intellectual rigor and knowledge to deal with the complex and multifaceted issues that arise in work situations.

This course aims to expose students to a variety of leadership theories and practices. Throughout the course, students will explore and review various approaches and techniques of problem solving, performance management and success orientation to the practice of public relations.